Article published on
Sept 20, 2023

Our state of mind plays an important role when it comes to
becoming better in all areas.
Whenever we undergo training or embrace a new change, we need
to have a positive mindset to achieve our goals.
Our mindset dictates most of our actions before our plans come
to fruition.
When we think about success, it should start with some sort of
mindset that you will achieve the things you dream of.
However, certain factors can prevent this mindset from making
you, successful.
These can include the type of workplace you are in, negative
people around you, and personal struggles that can lower your
Achieving success is not an easy task, it requires hard work,
perseverance and, of course, the right mindset.
Use the tips mentioned below, in order to determine a better
course to become the person you always dream of.
Start with generational differences:
understanding someone's generation can provide insight into
how she or he thinks.
It is a lens through which people view life.
The generational differences are fascinating.
Millennials (Y) often hide behind computers and voice their
opinions on Twitter and blogs. They don't value face-to-face
communication. Baby boomers (1945-1964), on the other hand,
like to talk to someone in person.
Understanding a person's generation will help, you know, the
best way to approach them to develop a relationship.
For example, if we make a deal with a generation (Y), we know
there is no need to get on a plane and schedule a roundtable.
They prefer a presentation via the Internet. For baby boomers,
travel is necessary as well as the time to get to know each
Different generations value different things.
Millennials, for example, are looking for quick results. When
we talk to them, we talk about fast, proven processes. Baby
boomers are more conservative. When we talk to them, we go
slower and talk about things like safety and risk.
The undeniable advantage for millennials (Y) lies in their
ability to be open-minded to interact with baby boomers to
recover their knowledge and life experiences, in order to
benefit from them by reducing the periods of learnings.
However, do not limit yourself to the definition and the
specified period.
For example, in certain social settings, such as at work where
you are not used to meeting people, it is suggested to check
for overlaps, because depending on the setting, you will meet
generations (Y), more conservative who think and act like baby
boomers. And, in other circles, baby boomers who have embraced
a certain open-mindedness favorable to generation (X) and even
Generation (X) describes the generation of people born between
1965 and 1980, although some sources have used slightly
different ranges. It has sometimes been called the « middle
child » generation, as it follows the well-known baby boomer
generation and precedes the millennial generation.
Members of Generation (X) generally described as being
resourceful, independent, and eager to maintain a balance of
work and personal life. They tend to be more liberal on social
issues and more ethnically diverse than Baby Boomers.
Generation (X) people were sometimes described as slackers or
whiners, particularly in the 1990s, although these
descriptions have been disputed.
Note here that an important part of your successes during your
life will come through intergenerational understanding.
Remember the following question, it will allow you to refocus
when you feel that a generational conflict is on the horizon.
Why are astronauts mostly in their fifties?
Simple, they have accumulated different techniques and
experiences throughout their careers that allow them to
quickly resolve a series of situations to ensure that their
astronaut training is personalized and thus when making
critical decisions, they can avoid irrational fear of the
Understand that astronauts during their training will not be
able to simulate all situations.
However, the techniques learned throughout their respective
careers mixed with the field experiences of the whole group
will place them in a most advantageous position in the face of
the challenges of the cosmos.
It is suggested that you put your pride and prejudices aside
and take the time to listen to other generations, in order to
be able to grasp their values in order to put all the chances
on your side to promote your success and that of your
Recognize the triggers:
another way to find out what someone is thinking is to
research their pain points, which involves asking the right
To do this, it is important to establish a personal connection
to find out what they consider important.
What triggers in them an emotion?
Where are their comfort zones located?
Don't forget that you have to have big ears and a small mouth.
It is suggested to skip the predefined conversations and enter
the relationship as a discussion. Ask open-ended questions
that allow the person to share their strengths and challenges.
For your part, share what you have done and offer while
contextualizing your communication strategy in relation to the
needs of your interlocutor without exaggerating.
Remember that the initial goal is to get to know each other.
Nine out of 10 times people will agree that they've identified
a problem, which will help you, better understand what they
Consider the personalities:
noticing and observing individual qualities can be helpful in
determining who they are as people and what is important to
them. Look for clues to someone's personality by paying
attention, to characteristics and verbiage.
Someone who prefers to be dominant, for example, may have too
firm a handshake. People who appreciate humor often insert
sarcasm into a conversation.
Use these clues to determine their values and approach.
non-verbal communication:
behavior is also important, and it is suggested to watch for
body language cues.
If someone leans forward, they are showing some commitment. If
he backs away, looks down, or turns away, he's not sensitive
to what you're saying.
Also, it is important to develop a good ear that can
listen to subtle sounds. The tone of voice can also provide
For example, if someone responds to you in a
monotonous voice, chances are they aren't attached to your
concept and aren't interested. However, if he looks at you
while you're talking and gets closer, he values what you're
Be the person who
listen to what someone says as well as what they don't say.
Although it is more difficult when the conversation is over
the phone. A committed or passionate voice is required. This
is also seen when someone is frustrated. Their tone changes or
you will hear a sigh. It is important to develop a good ear
capable of listening to subtle sounds.
Remember that anything critical or involving emotion should
never be communicated via email or text. It's best to pick up
the phone because emails are terrible at conveying the meaning
behind the words.
They can be a real hindrance to
Change the way you see things:
your state of mind is the expression
of a conviction that you embrace. It's the way you see things.
If you realize that your mindset is truly an expression of a
belief, then you are open to adopting that new belief.
To change your mindset, it is important to discern the types
of mindsets, so that you can navigate them.
Here are some examples :
The victim mentality:
the world is against me; it
always only happens to me and not to others.
The hero's state of mind:
you can overcome your
The scarcity mentality:
you constantly think that
there is not enough for everyone.
The Abundance Mindset:
There is something for
everyone and if there is more, we will do it again without
evaluating logically.
The fixed mindset:
you were born that way and
there is nothing you can do about it.
The growth mindset:
you can learn to become better
at something if you try.
The Agile Mindset:
you embrace change.
Changing the mindset is about checking whether each of your mindsets is
truly rooted in a belief that shapes, how you see the world,
how you present yourself to the world, and how you respond and
react with the world.
The right state of mind:
the right mindset changes everything,
because it changes the way you see things. When you change the
way you see things, it changes how you feel.
When you change the way you feel, you change the way you
think. And vice versa, when you change how you feel and how
you think, you change what you do.
When you change what you do, you change your results. Changing
your mindset changes your results.
Change your mindset:
many people wish to change their mentality, but they don't
know how. Once they realize that their mindset is limiting
them, they want to change their mindset, but they don't know
You change your mindset by changing your belief. This is the challenge.
We are talking about beliefs. You get what you expected. Whether you
believe you can change the way you see things or think you
can't, you're right.
However, a funny thing happens when you
consider the possibility of adopting a new belief. Your brain
can rationalize everything.
When you adopt a new belief, your mind begins
to find evidence to support you. You will suddenly see a New
World all around you.
We delete and filter things all day, every
day. This is how our perception works. Our mindset is one of
the most ubiquitous lenses in all of our perception. So, by
playing with new beliefs, you're playing with your ability to
see the world in a whole new way.
One of the biggest challenges of changing
beliefs is when negative beliefs get in the way. You probably
fought back at your parents or teachers or argued with your
friends. Well, do the same, by reasoning with your thoughts.
The more you challenge your limiting beliefs,
the more they will fade. You will gradually awaken your
consciousness to a new level of understanding where you will
find yourself taking giant leaps in your own understanding.
And that's exactly how you'll shape your new
character as you battle your way through.
A great way to adopt a mindset is to simply
treat it as an experience. For example, take one of your
mindsets and see how it changes the way you see the world.
Cultivate an abundance mentality:
If you want to cultivate an abundance mindset, there
are several things you can practice that will help you.
Here are some ways to cultivate an abundance
Be proactive:
the first habit of highly effective people is to be proactive. By being
proactive, you anticipate and prepare for the challenges that
will come your way.
Reactive people wait for problems to arise and then
try to react. They are mostly surprised. By the time they
react, they are now in stress mode and operating out of fear.
When you are proactive, you choose your
response. You can't control everything that happens to you,
but you choose how to react.
The more you think about your goals and deal
with the challenges you will face, the more skillfully you
will learn to respond.
Start with the end, in mind:
another habit of highly effective people is to work
backwards from the ideal outcome. This is a great opportunity
to examine and play with multiple possibilities.
It is an opportunity to promote social inclusion, integration
and to imagine a future where everyone is a winner. If you
find that your goal in mind is creating a lot of losers, then
you might want to rethink your possibilities.
Think win-win:
another habit
of highly effective people is to deliberately focus on
creating a win-win solution. To think win-win is the belief
that everyone can win. It's not me or you, it's the two of us.
It is a belief that there are enough good things for everyone;
it is an abundant way of thinking. Thinking that win-win is
being happy for others when good things happen to them.
Practice assertiveness:
don't let a lack of
appreciation lead you to negative behaviors, rather support
yourself positively, because when you celebrate your personal
victories, you are filling the need.
Remember that when you do well, often
difficult work, you will cultivate assertiveness. Create more
moments you'll be proud of. And think about those victories.
They will be your juice and joy throughout your day.
Adopt an attitude of gratitude:
that's really where you let the sun in. If you
notice a trend among the most successful people on the planet,
it's that they radiate a deep attitude of gratitude.
They celebrate all that they are grateful for. They are just thankful.
They appreciate everything they own.
Too often people don't know what they have
until it's gone. By nurturing yourself with an attitude of
gratitude, you will cultivate a powerful mindset of abundance.
Cultivate a growth mindset:
you can competently
cultivate a growth mindset. In fact, mindsets are an important
part of your personality, but you can change them.
Here are some pragmatic ways to cultivate a growth
Choose a growth mindset:
Once you have decided to choose a growth mindset over a fixed mindset,
you will begin to pay attention to your behaviors and
You'll start to wonder if the words coming out of your mouth reflect
someone learning new things or getting stuck in the past.
You will begin to question everything you think and everything you do.
This includes your learnings and improvements in the things
you are focusing on.
Focus on apprenticeship rather than success:
If you're worried about your performance, you'll be resistant to stepping
out of your comfort zone or trying new things.
If you embrace the idea of learning and trying new things,
then it's okay to look silly, dumb or whatever. Don't judge
yourself too much and embrace the apprenticeship aspect.
You can tell yourself, I know I suck when I start, so I don't
focus on that negative thinking; rather, I focus on what I
need to learn.
I get negative feedback, I turn to people who can give me
specifics on how to change my behavior, change my results.
I am looking for people who can give suggestions and ideas in
a relevant and tangible way.
Appreciate the
when you try
to figure something out, how do you feel?
Your answer will probably be that you feel uncomfortable. If
so, this is what the growth looks like. Learning involves
appreciating the feeling of discomfort.
It may sound counterintuitive, but it's similar to physical
exercise. To advance in your physical conditioning, you
appreciate the pain of a training session, because you
understand that this pain is necessary to achieve the desired
Think of, the saying of the US Navy Seals « Pain is a weakness that
leaves the body. » Understanding the learning process will put
you in perspective and thus stimulate your actions, because
you will appreciate the process which will support your quest
for success.
Explore and develop what you are capable of:
harnessing your means is a powerful way to live and, lead with a growth
From tapping into your physical and creative abilities, you'll
be surprised how much faster you can improve when you really
focus on apprenticeship rather than performance.
Revisit old skills while adding new ones and you'll be surprised how
changing your mindset will alter your ability to learn in a
much deeper and much more effective way.
The reward is
your growth:
it's easy to
get carried away with the rewards. It's easy to fall into the
carrot-and-stick trap. Rise above it and instead focus on
continuing to grow.
When you think you have achieved a mindset of abundance,
remember Socrates's point of view. Any knowledge or
information he possessed was likely to be insignificant, if
not completely false, compared to all that was yet to be
Adopt an agile mindset:
to easily identify the agile
mindset, it is necessary to refer to the quotation of the
Charles Darwin, English naturalist. « It is not the most
intellectual or the strongest species that survives, but the
species that survives is the one that is able to adapt or
adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds
itself. »
Simple, agility trumps being
smarter or stronger or nature favors flexibility.
The core
belief of an agile mindset:
simple, it's about embracing change in your life. Imagine that instead of
being disturbed or overwhelmed by the change, you embrace it
and see it as a chance to discover something new or a new way
of doing something.
You can
transform your disruptive change into constructive change and
create more opportunities for your growth and success.
Instead of feeling
threatened by change and instead of feeling anxious, you feel
excited about how you will reframe the challenge as a chance
to find a better way.
With an agile mindset, you
become flexible in your approach and adapt to whatever comes
your way.
And the more you adapt, the
better you get, like building muscle. It's a muscle you can
use to go from surviving to thriving at work and in life.
Your belief that an agile
mindset by its nature will become an essential means to
achieving success.
Cultivate an agile
flexibility will come with practice. One of your biggest
challenges will be your self-image. You might say to yourself,
« I'm not an artist, » or « I'm not a musician, » or « I can't
do this,
» etc.
You cultivate an agile mentality by reassessing your
thoughts to confront them with challenges, in order to prove,
if necessary, their opposite point by point. To cultivate an
agile mindset is to learn to move forward.
Once mastered, you will realize that the key to all of these
possibilities is your ability to adapt to change through your
agile mindset.
With that in mind, here are some pragmatic ways to cultivate
an agile mindset:
Choose to be more flexible in your approach:
we unconsciously hold onto ways of
doing or ways of thinking or ways of being, because it is
unconscious, and it is a habit.
By becoming more aware, you give yourself the opportunity to
choose to be more flexible and you will even find yourself
resisting change.
Challenge yourself and ask yourself, « If I were someone who
embraced change, how would I handle it differently? » Then act
Create more possibilities:
a great way to do this is to use the
phrase « Imagine if... » and then fill in the blank. It's a
simple way to explore and expand possibilities throughout the
It's a powerful way to practice creative thinking during your
daily routines.
Don't get stuck in what is or the way things are, that's the
current state. Instead, focus on the future. Imagine how
things might be, play with the possibilities and gradually
learn how to reshape the future.
Some people just predict the future. An agile mindset will
create and shape that future.
Practice scenario planning:
expect the unexpected. Futurists know
how to plan for the future, because they don't bet on just one
possibility. They take multiple paths because they learn to
look for how trends intersect with everyday life.
Additionally, they balance market and user demands to
determine the most likely scenarios.
However, the real power is that the more scenarios you
explore, the readier you are for whatever happens.
Even if you didn't predict exactly what the scenario would be,
you have several ideas of how things might unfold.
Instead of reacting in the moment, take the time to put your
ideas into perspective and then respond. You will feel more in
control because you will be better prepared.
Reframe your problems:
it is a very simple, yet subtle practice. We all have
problems that we face on a daily basis.
The first thing to do is to
reframe even the idea that there are problems. Reframe your
problems as « challenges
because that will make them fun. And then turn your
« challenges
» into
« changes.
These are opportunities for
you to learn something new, improve your skills, meet new
people, etc.
Expand the
challenge in ways that are beyond you. This is how you explore
and develop what you are capable of accomplishing.
This way of
proceeding becomes a source of inspiration every day, in order
to encourage you to practice your agile mentality.
Do the opposite:
it's a technique that really
helps if you get really stuck. Whatever you normally do, try
doing the reverse. If you plan too much, try to do more. If
you're jumping into things too quickly, try stepping back and
coming up with a mini-plan. If you tend to say, no to new
things, try saying yes.
There are many variations on
this, but this is the basic approach. Just try the opposite of
your normal answers. This will help you practice learning to
As you go along, you might ask
people you trust, what you would do if you were me, in this
particular situation.
Gradually, this way of
proceeding will help you to penetrate the most difficult or
complex problems.
Change someone's opinion:
life is full of conflict. Have
you ever had an argument with someone where they refuse to
change their mind?
No matter how much evidence you give them, it's never
enough. By nature, we hold tight to our beliefs and are
stubborn to change our minds.
But how do you convince someone that they are wrong?
Below you will find ways to change someone's mind.
Keep calm:
when trying to get someone to
reconsider, it's important to avoid being aggressive.
Aggression instantly distracts the other person from your
points and puts them in a defensive state of mind, they just
want to defend themselves.
Instead, try to
raise your points civilly in a meaningful conversation, not an
argument. Listen to their arguments and try to understand
where they are coming from before making a statement. Not only
will this make you more persuasive, but it will also be a lot
less stressful for both parties.
Have them come to conclusions:
have you ever tried to convey an idea to someone,
without success?
You keep citing facts and
providing evidence, but they still don't believe you. Maybe
try to get them to come to the same conclusions. People are
more likely to change their minds when they are able to apply
an idea to themselves and make their own decision.
Instead of
inundating them with information, ask them questions so they
can analyze their knowledge on the subject. Ask them about the
circumstances and the pros and cons of each decision. Once
they are able to break down your argument and apply it
themselves, the more likely they will be convinced.
Ask them to explain their point of view:
as individuals we like to think we know it all, when in
reality there is a lot, we don't know.
however, we don't realize how little we know about something
until we are asked to explain it.
The next time
you get into a debate with someone, try asking them to fully
explain their point of view and see what happens.
Chances are
they will reach a point where they cannot continue. On the
other hand, make sure that you are ready, on your side.
Ask yourself a few questions:
when trying to persuade someone to change their mind, you need to ask
yourself some perspective questions.
What are your motives?
What do you want them to believe?
What do you hope will happen?
These questions are great ways to start. On the other hand, don't forget
to do your “homework” to establish your goals and understand
why you think a change of mind is important. When trying to
change someone's mind, it's important to know why your point
of view is adequate.
Have long responses:
long, thoughtful answers are more persuasive than short statements.
Being able to dissect an idea as well as back it up with
evidence will make you seem more knowledgeable about a certain
topic, as it will allow you to prove that you have actually
thought about the problem at hand and educated yourself about
It's important to avoid insulting people, as this undermines
your main point.
Be sensitive:
it is important to know why someone has a particular belief when trying
to discuss it.
People tend to keep their beliefs and values close to them for
personal reasons. It is important to know these reasons when
discussing them.
When trying to present a different point of view, it helps to
be able to find common ground or a common point that you agree
on before addressing a point.
Ask them questions trying to emphasize that they are right,
for example, in an area to value their contribution.
Again, it's essential to have a conversation, not an argument.
Know your audience:
it is essential to know who you are talking to, when you bring up
different opinions. Having empathy and knowing where the other
party is coming from is key to getting your point across.
Knowing how to speak to them calmly and politely will also
help keep the conversation going. You'll be especially
compelling if you can tie your ideas to something they deeply
This will help find common ground that you can agree on, which
will lead to a productive conversation.
Remember that conflict is part of normal life. It is important to know
how to speak civilly about our points of view in order to be
able to convince the other person.
However, sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can never really
convince someone to change their mind, which we have to agree
to disagree on.
So, the best we can do is
engage in productive conversation and share new ideas.
Find out more about « changing your mindset » with My Success Is
Your Success. The book through questions, quotes and
reflections provides the necessary elements to explore all
about motivation so to shape your success and help those
around you do the same. Remember that success is all about
team efforts!

This book is the result of forty years
of experience acquired with local and international
organizations and companies and during consultancy,
change management, transition and marketing services.
This 404-page
personal development book was published by WebTech
Publishing and is available online in English, North
American French and European versions. For more
information and to view the flip book, visit
About the Author
Other publications:
ISO Pour Tous
– Le manuel
d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La
gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de
projet d’affaires – Le
changement POUR TOUS –
Change your future,
now! – Mon succès est votre succès.
Press Contact
Germain Decelles, o.s.j.
WebTech Management et Publication Incorpored
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