Article published on May 03, 2024


Mon succès est votre succès


 What can I improve? What should I change?         

The value of education is emphasized to us from an early age. It is most important to become more educated because we live in the age of knowledge.

Everything is at our fingertips, and we must take responsibility and train ourselves so that we can improve for the better. The more we know, the more we can help ourselves and the people around us.

The basic education received in primary, secondary and university schools inculcates basic knowledge, theoretical knowledge, which must be used to help us accumulate even more expertise once in the labor market.

This education received, makes it possible to possess a wealth of theoretical intellectual information. However, it must be avoided that the student on receiving his diploma can state that he has the « competence » to place himself on the path to success.

Here, the meaning of the word in the field of work should not be confused:

a.     Recognized competence: being, the legally recognized ability of an authority to deal with a question, to judge it, to perform an act, according to determined methods.

For example, a doctor who has obtained an official certificate to practice medicine.

b.     Competence accompanied by experience: being, a thorough knowledge, a recognized experience in a field, which gives the quality to someone to judge, to decide.


For example, an employee who demonstrates great skill acquired in the field. The skill of a plumber, electrician, carpenter, teacher, accountant, etc.


Therefore, the newly graduated student must acquire « experience » for a certain period of time, which may even be several years, for example, doctors and engineers.


Knowledge, know-how, expertise, skill, experience, aptitude, and professionalism are the qualifiers of the « competence » designation.

Education is most important for success and should be continued throughout life. A person may think that he no longer has to study or get information, but for this person failure will creep in.

There is the school system, but there is also autodidacticism. A person who learns by himself, who teaches himself without the help of a teacher or an educational establishment.

A self-taught person may aim to learn a little about everything, or they may work hard to master just one subject. Either way, it's the act of taking your learning under your control. It is this drive to push yourself that ultimately leads to personal and financial success.

Successful people never stop learning. The people who hurt an organization, the most, are the people who think they have arrived because they stop growing, innovation, and improving.

Successful people read books, learn new skills, study academic or business journals, learn from their peers, or strive for change through innovation. They all share a passion for wanting to learn new skills and discover new ideas.

Life itself is a long learning experience, and the modern world is moving and changing at a breakneck pace. Change comes through innovation and creativity.

Individuals and organizations that remain indifferent and do not embrace change run the risk of being overtaken by either a competitor or someone who is continually updating.

Take personal development seriously, because trying to learn and grow, will help you and your organization in the long run. Your journey will only be successful if you dedicate yourself to continuous development.

Also, if you've hit a plateau and have no desire to learn anything new, it's time to do some soul-searching to figure out why.

Just as physical exercise develops your muscles, when you learn, your brain develops with mental training to develop new neurons which, in turn, develop greater connectivity to manage information.

Therefore, successful people keep an open mind to new things because they know that no matter how proficient they are, there is always more to discover.

People who understand the goal of continuous development elicit an uncommon tenacity in everyone around them. So ask yourself:

What can I improve?

What should I change?

Simple, if you do nothing or repeat or always do the same thing, you stay the same and staying the same means going back.

1.     Nurture your mind: feeding your mind with new knowledge and information is essential for creativity. An idea arises when you use your accumulated knowledge and combine it with new information.


The simple formula (Knowledge + Information = Idea) shows that it is impossible to create an idea out of nothing. For example, knowledge of glass, the ability of lenses to split light, and knowledge of how the eye works led to the invention of eyeglasses.

All ideas emerge when a person combines their accumulated knowledge with new information. This is why it is so important to gather knowledge, which is varied. Simple, you need knowledge to expand your mind.

2.     How to learn daily: the following little habits are very useful when you want to become an accomplished autodidact:


a.     Always look for new elements: if you come across a word or reference you don't understand, look it up. This is, for example, using a dictionary or an encyclopedia on the Internet. Make it a routine to learn a new word and reference every day.


There are also other resources like:


1)    Blogs: some of the smartest and most inspiring people regularly post their best work and ideas on their blogs for the world to see.


2)    Online courses: the reality was that college courses were only offered to people who could afford to attend college. These days, you can take these courses online, and many of them are free.


3)    Conferences and specialized videos: the best minds in the world regularly present their best ideas for talks and seminars that are readily available in formats ranging from a few minutes to several hours.


4)    Audiobooks and podcasts: this resource is also a good way to learn new things.

However, when using these means to further your education, be sure to validate the sources you use.

The Internet is an extraordinary source of information; however, there is a lot of misinformation and even impostors who exploit people's credulity by posing as specialists, scientists, educational organizations who do not have accreditation, etc.


b.     Reserve 15 minutes: ideally at the same time each day. No matter how pressed for time you can always find 15 minutes. Make it the time you dedicate to your education every day.

c.     Help your brain to retain: write down the points of information, then repeat them loudly, as this experienced way of absorption will help your brain to archive information more quickly.


Another tip, which is to review the information written down once a week, will not only allow you to put the information into perspective, not only you will retain it more.


3.     Make time to travel: travel exposes us to different cultures and ancient traditions and through these authentic encounters we learn to accept and celebrate our similarities and differences.


Travel teaches us about humanity and allows us to appreciate, understand and respect different points of view and ways of life.

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Mon succès est votre succès

This book is the result of forty years of experience acquired with local and international organizations and companies and during consultancy, change management, transition and marketing services.

This 404-page personal development book was published by WebTech Publishing and is available online in English, North American French and European versions. For more information and to view the flip book, visit webtechPublishing.

About the Author

In addition to writing, Germain Decelles acts as Change Management Strategist. He has over 40 years of business and consultation experience with local and international markets, including sectors such as retail trade, distribution, information technology and communications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, and government organizations.

Other publications: ISO Pour Tous – Le manuel d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de projet d’affaires – Le changement POUR TOUS Change your future, now! – Mon succès est votre succès.

Press Contact

Germain Decelles, o.s.j.

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